Ticks are very common around wooded areas, fields, overgrown vegetation and tall grass. Most active in the warmer weather, these disease carriers are present year round.
The most common disease carried by these pests in our region is Lyme, and is carried by some of the smallest of ticks known as the deer tick. Both PA & NJ are in the top 3 of Lyme infected states.
Lyme’s can be very harmful if left untreated – and it is best to avoid it if at all possible. Rarer diseases exist including the Powassan virus that killed a Warren County woman in 2013. You can learn about more tick-borne pathogens here.
A deer tick is approximately the size of a sesame seed. A female adult deer tick measures about 2.7 mm in length, the males even smaller. These ticks are orangish brown in color but may change to be rust or brown-red in hue following feeding.
Ticks most often feed on pets but some will feed on humans. Tick removal should be done thoroughly and cautiously. Ticks should never be crushed when attached to a human or animal, as this will trigger a release of dangerous fluids into the blood stream.
Very slowly remove ticks with tweezers without crushing the body. Clean the areas with extreme care and be sure to disinfect. Any sign of infection should be treated by a medical professional immediately.
Most ticks hitch a ride inside on house pets, however they may find an opportunity to nest indoors. Homes with bird or rodent cages are very susceptible to tick nesting.
If you suspect your home may have a tick infestation, call Four Seasons Pest Control as soon as possible. Tick bites can be extremely dangerous to humans and animals alike and risk of tick bites should be taken seriously.

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